Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Esta Mark Aqui

After just three days, I can tell you the fundamentals of Argentina (y Argentinos). Here, futbol and meat reign supreme, usually accompanied by Quilmes cerveza. Also, the primary cultural undercurrent is familia and friends. There's a closeness here not found in the U.S. There seems to be two reasons for this. First, it's a carry-over from the Spanish and Italian influence of the Old World. Argentina is a confluence of these two cultures. Second, there is far less 'dispersal' here than in the U.S., which affords an opportunity to keep family and friends close (both literally and figuratively). Giovi's grandmother, for intance, has probably spent 90% of her life within 2 blocks of her present residence (she will be 86 years old in one week). This is of course not to say that Chola isn't worldly. Anyway, enough blogging para mi. Argentina y Argentinos es muy comodo, relajante, y placentero.


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